Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility is the means to achieve balance in economic, environmental, and social aspects. Dataplex, recognizing its responsibilities towards society and the environment, aims for sustainable development through social and environmental responsibility actions.


We take care of the environment by constantly renewing our equipment with environmentally sustainable devices and we recycle paper, plastics and electronics using appropriate methods. As ESG factors are gaining high priority in the industry, we invest in clean energy technologies, and we constantly reduce emissions. We participate in the protection of the environment through reforestation actions, donations to Non-Governmental Organizations and the promotion of a “green” culture at all levels of the company’s operation.


Governance is an important pillar in the sustainable development of Dataplex. The Board of Directors consists of members who ensure the achievement of the objectives of the company and the shareholders. All governance procedures are controlled by all members of the company with a view to the non-appearance of phenomena that may harm the interests of the interested parties.

Human Capital

At Dataplex, human capital is the main priority. Our employees are rewarded based on the 360-degree evaluation system by participating in their evaluation process. We make sure that the working conditions are friendly to all employees, with appropriately designed spaces to maintain their hygiene, safety, and well-being. We constantly develop training programs for the improvement of employees to develop and prosper in the work environment. The ethical code that governs labor relations provides for non-existence of discrimination between employees and any form of violence.


We are a long-standing strategic partner to large and mid-size enterprises and organizations of the public and the private sector. We have a proven track record of successful complex and critical ICT projects in the areas of financial services, telecoms, manufacturing, retail, constructions & infrastructures etc.


We are a long-standing strategic partner to large and mid-size enterprises and organizations of the public and the private sector. We have a proven track record of successful complex and critical ICT projects in the areas of financial services, telecoms, manufacturing, retail, constructions & infrastructures etc.

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